Meet BoJo – Our Southern Snowman


Filed under nature

14 responses to “Meet BoJo – Our Southern Snowman

  1. suzicate

    Looks like a COOL dude!

  2. OK, I gotta know what BoJo stands for?

  3. How tall is he? He has got to be the most serious looking snowmen I have seen!

  4. angelcel

    A very rare sighting, so far south, surely? 🙂

  5. unabridgedgirl


  6. Ooooh, I have a snowman picture I want to find and send to you. Love this pic!

  7. I like how he’s jutting his hip out in defiance. Of what, I’m not sure. But still.

  8. You did a great job with the snowman! We’re in the northeast, and we have yet to construct one so tall 🙂

  9. He looks slightly drunk! Or is that me?

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