A Retro Style That Needs To Make A Comeback

Who remembers Gunne Sax by Jessica McClintock?

I know this style is very ’80s.

I love it anyway.

And I wish this was one retro style that would make a comeback.

(Will somebody please drag me into this century?)


Filed under Hey! That Reminds Me!

7 responses to “A Retro Style That Needs To Make A Comeback

  1. OMG! I loved this style! Please, please bring it back. 🙂

  2. Sorry, I’m not convinced. It looks like a nightie to me. A nightie for an eight foot tall person at that! 😉

  3. I loved it then! Now….??? I would look ridiculous 🙂

  4. There was a gunne sax outlet in sf where I got every dress for every formal dance of my late 80s formals career. There was a whole cocktail dress segment of her collection.

    No, thanks.

  5. I love that style! I remember wearing a Jessica McClintock dress to homecoming freshman year. So pink and pretty! 🙂

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