Category Archives: funny

Yes. I Am This OCD. Can You Relate?



August 20, 2013 · 2:11 pm

Gravestone. Tombstone. Whatever. It’s All In The Message.

“I’ve decided what I want on my gravestone when I die,” #2son says, as a dribble of ice cream rolls down his chin.

“It’s tombstone,” I say distractedly.

“Whatever,” he says.

(Actually he’s right. Gravestone and tombstone are interchangeable.  I’m just used to hearing tombstone.)

“Don’t you want to know what I want to put on my tombstone?” he asks, with a gleam in his eye.

“Of course,” I sigh.


“Don’t eat too much ice cream. I learned THAT the hard way!”

Ahhh. From my sweet little ice cream lover. He cracks me up.


Happy National Ice Cream Month!

But remember: Everything in moderation!


Filed under From The Mouths Of Babes, funny

Hey, World! We’re Doing Something Right!

From the mouth of my oh-so-innocent, sweet little blond-haired, blue-eyed boy:

“My mom says that I can be anything I want to be when I grow up. So, I’m going to be an African-American!”



Filed under From The Mouths Of Babes, funny, Lessons Learned

Make It A Hilarious Hump Day!


1 Comment

May 8, 2013 · 2:35 pm

One Hundred And Eighteen Shades of Grey

Do you own one of those handy dandy color wheels? You know, the ones decorators use?

We do.

Don’t ask me why. Neither my husband or I can claim any talent in the decorating department. Although, we do watch a lot of HGTV together.


Have you ever noticed the crazy color names? Forceful Orange. Hyper Blue. Gusto Gold. Heartthrob. Lime Rickey. (Sure, set me up, barkeep!)

Well, after watching a lot of HGTV over the past year or so, my husband has decided to jump on the grey wagon. It seems everyone out there is painting their rooms shades of gray. And no, I don’t think it has anything to do with the popularity of that racy novel, although, I wonder if that racy novelist has been watching as much HGTV as we have.

We grabbed the color wheel and starting ticking through the colors.

Charcoal. Nope. Too dark.

Nuance. Too light.

Solitude. Too lonely.

There were the smart greys: Analytical Gray, Intuitive, Worldly Grey, Imagine, Balanced Gray. Even Intellectual Grey.

There were the dull grays: Mild Grey, Polite Gray, Reticence, Useful Grey, Proper Gray, Essential. And Modest Grey.

“What about Passive Gray?” my husband asked, holding the color swatch to the wall.

“Hmmmm. I don’t know. What do you think?” I replied.


“Eh,” I shrugged.

“What about Ponder?”

“I’ll have to think about that one,” I said.

“Agreeable Gray?”

“Of course!” I chimed.

Finally, he gets it and we’re in a fit of giggles.

After one hundred and eighteen shades of grey, which color did we finally go with?

Hinting Blue.

Guess we’re not as trendy as we thought we were.

(To accommodate my outside America readers, I’ve evenly distributed equal spellings of grey and gray. Interesting note: “In the U.K., grey appears about twenty times for every instance of gray. In the U.S. the ratio is reversed.” I have to admit. After writing this post, both spellings look wrong to me now.)




Filed under funny, How We Roll, Marriage, Observations

And I’ve Got A Bridge In Brooklyn To Sell You

photo (3)


April 12, 2013 · 5:48 am

Just A Little Nerd Humor For Your Monday



I’m sorry. This just cracked me up.

Yep. I’m all nerdy that way.


Filed under funny

Hand Washing Lesson For Dummies



My guess?

If you need these instructions, posted over the sink?

You have probably skipped the sink area and are already skipping out the door.

Ahh, Brawny. Thank you for the hand washing lesson.

But I’m afraid you are preachin’ to the choir.


Filed under Completely Random, funny

Not A Proud Mommy Moment. But Funny, All The Same.

I used to teach teenagers. They taught me a lot. About pop culture. The latest music. And they shared with me their sophomoric sense of humor. Which I was always tickled by.

And it doesn’t help that I watch shows like Dexter where the f-word is dropped every other sentence. While I was teaching I did a pretty good job of cleaning up my potty mouth. When I became a mother? Even better.

But the off-color sense of humor? I think I still need a little work.


Eight and nine year old boys, packed in the car. Ready to go. Finally!

Pull out of the driveway. Close garage door. Ease into the street and Mommy says:

“And we’re off! Like a prom dress!”

Silence. (As she realizes what just came out of her mouth.)


Yes? (Said with deep trepidation.)

“What does ‘off like a prom dress’ mean?”

More silence as she scrambles for an age appropriate definition.

There isn’t one.


Epic fail.


Filed under funny

Guess What I’m Doing Today?


November 13, 2012 · 8:38 am