Tunes for Tuesday – Old

One of my favorite recent songs by Paul Simon is “Old” off of the “You’re the One” cd. It makes me giggle. It puts my age into perspective. And every year I wear out that track on my iPod during this week. It’s my birthday week! My husband calls it “Jane-a-kuh” because it lasts for at least a week. We kicked it off this past weekend going to a Christmas Tree farm to pick out our tree. The kids and I decorated it on Sunday listening to Christmas carols. On Monday I received my first card in the mail and this morning a friend called to set up a birthday lunch date. Such fun already and it’s only Tuesday!

One thing my parents did right was our birthdays. No chores on your birthday. You chose the dinner. You chose the activity to do as a family. It was all about YOU! People would ask me if I felt cheated because my birthday fell in the Christmas month. Nope. The friends and relatives that I saw at Thanksgiving, that I wasn’t going to see at Christmas, would start their birthday good wishes then. My birthday would arrive and we would celebrate. And then there are always people who are late (God love ’em!) or who wouldn’t see me until Christmas, so good wishes would continue until the December holidays. Before you knew it, I was celebrating for an entire month. Who wouldn’t love that?

Then I became an adult. Fewer gifts. Less of a desire for parties. And at certain milestones, not so excited to recognize yet another year on this planet. This year I turn 40-something plus one. (Oh, my heart just skipped a beat. Yikes!) It’s hard getting older. Physically. Mentally accepting the new age. Or not accepting it, as the case may be.

Last Christmas, when my in-laws came to visit, they brought some things from the house they thought we might like. They were cleaning out their attic. “We’re only going to be around for about 10 more years,” my mother-in-law said. 10 more years? Whoa! I can’t think that way. I refuse to count down the number of years I may have left. But then I did it. And I doubled my age and if I’m anything like my grandparents I’ve just passed the top of the hill on my way downhill. Oh. My. God. Seriously? I truly am middle-aged. When did THAT happen?

Old – Paul Simon

“The first time I heard “Peggy Sue”
I was 12 years old
Russians up in rocket ships
And the war was cold
Now many wars have come and gone
Genocide still goes on
Buddy Holly still goes on
But his catalog was sold” – This is a bit before my time. But when I look back so much has happened in my short lifetime. First Man on the Moon.Vietnam. The Beatles. I’ll just insert those historical references.

“First time I smoked
Guess what – paranoid
First time I heard “Satisfaction”
I was young and unemployed
Down the decades every year
Summer leaves and my birthday’s here
And all my friends stand up and cheer
And say man you’re old
Getting old
Getting old” – When I turned 25 my grandmother said to me, “Do you realize you’ve been alive a quarter of a century?” Whoa. When I realized that, I was a little depressed. A quarter of a century seemed sooooo old. I laugh now. To be 25 again? Where do I sign up?

“We celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day
And Buddha found nirvana along the lotus way
About 1,500 years ago the messenger Mohammed spoke
And his wisdom like a river flowed
Through hills of gold
Wisdom is old
The koran is old
The bible is old
Greatest story ever told” – Jesus, Mohammed alive over 1500 years ago. And we’re still talking about them. Their presence is still felt so very many years later. That kind of impact is amazing – and old.

“The human race has walked the earth for 2.7 million
And we estimate the universe at 13-14 billion
When all these numbers tumble into your imagination
Consider that the Lord was there before creation
God is old
We’re not old
God is old
He made the mold” – That line always makes me giggle, “He made the mold.” He certainly did. And in 2.7 million years my existence here is a mere blip on the radar. I don’t even know if I rate a whole blip. I’m not really all that old after all, am I?

Click here to listen to this fun song. I tried and tried to find  a video of it or a way to showcase the song itself on this page but to no avail. It’s only 2:20 minutes long and it’s free (as long as you haven’t used up your 24 other free “listens” at this site). So, in honor of Jane-a-kuh – take a little music break. It’s on me!


Filed under Growing Up, Holiday

19 responses to “Tunes for Tuesday – Old

  1. LisaF

    Happy Jane-a-kuh! It has a great ring to it. My youngest was born Dec. 23rd! We try hard to celebrate it apart from Christmas. When she was born, we were still in the hospital on Christmas Day and the nurses brought her to me that morning in a red Christmas sock! A memory I cherish 22 years later. So, revel in your birthday month…and the holidays…always!

  2. You are such an upbeat person!
    Everyone always complains about holiday b-days, not you.
    My sister was/is a New Year’s Day baby. OMG, I just realized she’ll be 50 this year! AAAH.
    Happy Birthday! Many times over.
    Great song, btw.

  3. Happy Jane-a-kuh from me too!

    I was born on Christmas Eve and was not that fond of the proximity of my birthday to Christmas. My sticking points included receiving birthday gifts wrapped in Christmas paper and “clever” birthday cards with messages like “Merry Birthday!” Then I went and married a Jewish man (on January 1st, no less) so now we really do have a month of celebrations. And I don’t mind so much since birthdays and holidays really aren’t all about gifts and attention on myself anymore, but rather about family togetherness.

    • Lisa, Maureen & Kristen – Hmmmm. I might feel a bit differently if my birthday was ON a holiday or right on top of one. Nahhh. I’m sure I’d still be able to stretch it out as long as possible to celebrate. Hope you (or your daughter or your sister) can do what I do! It’s a blast!

  4. Steven Harris

    Splendid lyrics as ever from Mr Simon. He seems to know exactly what goes on in my head at various stages of my life and writes me songs. What a nice guy.
    And Happy Birthday! Jane-a-Kuh has a good ring to it. I’ll light a candle for you. 😀

    • LOL. Then he’s writing exactly what’s in my head, too. He IS a great guy, isn’t he? Are you familiar with the song “Darling Lorraine”? A love song/break up song. During the break up he sings: “What – you don’t love me anymore?
      What – you’re walking out the door?
      What – you don’t like the way I chew? Well, let me tell you!” I cracked up when I first heard that song. So true for me. Even the way he chewed bothered me in the end. Too funny!

      And thanks for lighting a candle for me. A sweet gesture that I think I’m going to institute here. Great idea!

  5. Age is just a number. Someone wrote on my blog once that it’s the quality of your life that matters and not the quantity, and that’s so true. I hate the idea of getting older too, because I’m damn vain I suppose, I wanna wear caps and bling forever, however stupid I look!

    Anyway have a wonderful birthday month!

  6. Happy Jane-a-kuh! I love it! And happy 41…I have 3 more months of 40-hood left.

    I hope everyone spoils you in the manner you deserve!

  7. Getting old is only in our mind.
    Age never prevented people from doing things:

  8. unabridgedgirl

    Happy Jane-a-kuh!!! (Various party noises ensue.)

  9. Watch it, little girl! I’m old enough to be your mother.

    Happy Birthday! Mine comes after Christmas–when everyone is tired and broke. Doesn’t seem quite fair I should have to age anyhow!

  10. Joe

    Happy early birthday. It was funny reading that quarter-century bit, because I’m 25 now, and I think I’m in the middle of a quarter-life crisis. Not quite sure where I’ve been and still not sure where I’m going. I’m hoping this blogging thing is helping me to figure it all out.

    My birthday is right after New Year’s, and I was a victim of the post holiday birthday, I always got the shaft. Everything was a joint gift for Christmas and my birthday, but I felt like everyone else around me had a full blown birthday celebration when it was their turn. My wife now makes sure that my birthday is awesome every year.

    • “Quarter life crisis” I love it!

      Good for your wife. If it were me, I’d insist on separate (and long!) celebrations! If we all truly celebrated our time on this earth (and the day that brought us here) the world would be a much happier place!

  11. Birthdays sounded like they were so much fun!! And I’ve always believed that you are only as old as you make yourself. I know some people who are so depressed at their aging that they are physically 10 years older than they actually are. Then again, I’ve known other people in thier 70’s and 80’s who seem 10 years younger because they remain positive and won’t let life drag them down.

  12. Happy 29th birthday! <– It's a federal mandate that every woman only celebrates this birthday after 30.

  13. Happy Birthday! Great song! It really puts it all in perspecetive, doesn’t it? I don’t fear so much as getting old as getting a huge collection of memories and then poof. That’s what keeps me up at nights, especially around my birthday. And now tonight.

  14. Every morning when I get up I realize just how old 53 feels. This song makes me laugh too. Happy Birthday week Jane!

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