Almost Wordless Wednesday

My boys went to a Catholic Pre-School. So I’m familiar with Muffins with Moms and Donuts with Dads. During Lent the same church has Fish and Chips Fridays. Living in the Bible Belt I’ve seen churches that have Spaghetti Suppers and Pancake Breakfasts. But this was a first……



(P.S. Don’t forget about our get together Friday, November 13th. Collect the craziest search terms for your blog and we’ll all share them on Friday. You can write them in the comment section or blog about it – but don’t forget to link/comment here so we can all see them! See you Friday!)


Filed under funny, Observations

29 responses to “Almost Wordless Wednesday

  1. angelcel

    Hehe…’Catfish for Christ’…
    Mind you, I have to admit to being unaware of Muffins with Mums and Donuts with Dads. Church sounds a lot more creative around your way!

  2. Gotta say, that is very American! What is a Fish Fry?

  3. Steven Harris

    Is there an option for Bagels with Buddha?

  4. I am totally in for Catfish for Christ! Where do I sign up to be converted?! And how come my kids’ Catholic church doesn’t do cool things like this? Not to argue with my potential future neighbor, but Bao’s for Buddha? I will be hot for that one too!

  5. By the way, I thought fish fry is one of the cool things (finally) about the Midwest. I am not too pleased about da Bible Belt stealing it…

  6. Steven Harris

    Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of these fish knives to join this catfish with our digestive systems.

  7. I was called fish-eater growing up for this very reason…..and it always cracks me up that Filet-O-Fish sandwich sales skyrocket during lent:)

  8. The first time I ever lived in a place where Lent was actually observed was when I moved to PA. A lady came in to work one Wednesday with what appeared to be a bruise on her forehead. Then another. Then another. Finally I twigged that it was Ash Wednesday. Whoops. Good thing I had the sense not to ask what they had run into.

  9. Catfish for Christ–too funny!

    I suppose I should start Apple Pie for Agnostics…

  10. Now that is some inpired alliteration!

  11. I kinda sorta thing it has to be catfish, right? Because we all know that God hates shrimp. 🙂

  12. ck

    Man, couldn’t they have hooked Him up with a better looking fish?

  13. Tried to look up the school but the info has been deleted. I’m guessing farm-raised catfish–same manmade pond, fed the same gunk.

    Fishy taste, chemicals, and a lot of bones; I’ll pass.

    When I went away to college and was invited to go to a “fish camp,” I was sure I was going to encounter tents and fishing poles. That would REALLY confuse LL Cool Joe. 🙂

  14. catfish for christ… now that is hilarious.

    But aren’t we supposed to be “fishers of men”?

  15. Too funny! Although, I think Chocolate for Christ would be a bit yummier…

  16. Hmmmm..think I’d pass on that one. The smell of cooking fish makes me a lil queazy!

    There’s an award for you on my blog today. Thanks for some great reading!

  17. Well, he did do that whole fish miracle thing, so I kinda see where it works.

  18. Popped over from merrilymarylee. I love your blog and will enjoy reading your archives. Love the “Catfish for Christ.” I suppose they will have loaves along with the fishes.

  19. I live in the bible belt too 🙂 I am not sure I can top this one. I need to look more carefully as I drive through town.

  20. I used to see a sign in Tucson when I was in college…”Junkers for Jesus”. It was to donate old cars for churches to sell for money. I was so sad that we didn’t have something like that, but I am not sure if “Junk for Jews” works at well. 🙂

  21. Steven Harris

    It’s not so translateable into Hinduism though: Kippers for Krishna just never took off.

  22. Got to give them one for a creative angle.

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