Yes! Yes! Yes!

(The above title should be read Sally-style, as in “When Harry Met Sally.” Now, on with our regularly scheduled post.)

Today’s topic, for Momalom’s Five For Ten, is Yes. And while I have a wonderful interview with Aidan  Donnelley Rowley about her first novel “Life After Yes” planned for tomorrow…it IS Tuesday. Tunes for Tuesday, that is. So I thought a music selection for today would be appropriate. Plus, I like to tease. If you come back tomorrow AND comment, you might win a copy of Aidan’s new book. Something to look forward to….

I love the earlier groups. Progressive Rock.  The ones that shaped modern rock music. The layers and intricacies. Jethro Tull and the signature flute, The Beatles with their amazing lyrics and variety of sound, Queen with its use of classical voice and instruments, Pink Floyd’s reflective lyrics.

And Yes. Intricate harmonies. Fantastic instrumentals. I had a difficult time choosing a song. I spent much too much time listening to “I’ve Seen All Good People, “Roundabout,” “And You and I,” “Leave It,” “Owner Of A Lonely Heart,” “Almost Like Love.”

I settled on “Changes.” At this point in my life I’m going to ignore the stanzas that talk about lost love. I’m done mourning what was never there. Instead, I’m focusing on the chorus.

“Change changing places
Root yourself to the ground
Capitalize on this good fortune
One word can bring you round

My grandmother was so afraid of change. She resisted. She denied. I’ve understood those feelings at many times in my life. But when you get stuck there….you’re just that. Stuck.

I prefer to move. I prefer to grow. I prefer to experience.

I choose to embrace change.

And by embracing change, I’m saying “Yes!”

(Stay Tuned! Tomorrow I’ll be featuring an interview with Aidan Donnelley Rowley from Ivy League Insecurities on her debut novel, “Life After Yes.” A copy of her new book will be awarded to one lucky reader!)

 (This post is part of the Five For Ten project at Momalom. Please visit their site for more wonderful posts on Yes. Or click the button below to find out how YOU can participate!)


Filed under Music

20 responses to “Yes! Yes! Yes!

  1. angelcel

    I think you and I have fairly similar tastes in music. ‘Yes’ were a favourite of mine too – ‘Tales from Topographic Oceans’ and ‘Close to the Edge’ …I nearly wore a hole in the vinyl (yeah, listen to me : ‘the vinyl’. *That* old format)!

  2. My husband loves Yes! Thanks for making me smile this morning.

  3. This brings me back to high school. My high school beau LOVED Yes and we would sit in his basement “studying” and listening to all of their music. It makes me smile thinking back on it!

  4. So, I’m a loser and have not really listened to Yes. However, change is GREAT! Totally underrated:) You rock!

  5. Ok, so now I have “Owner of a Lonely Heart” stuck in my head.

    I don’t mind change, in fact I quite like it. As long as it’s well thought out, for the better kind of change.

  6. Yes – wow, a blast from the past! Love it!

  7. suzicate

    You are saying yes by emracing change. I’ve also struggled with change as I like the familiar and comfortable. Little by little, I’m getting to where I want to be in life. And it’s all started with the inside of me. Baby steps. Evaluations and changes are not easy. But YES, eventually I’ll get there. Like the way you worked this one out. You amaze me with your connection to lyrics. I love the written words, but I swear I usually can’t decipher the lyrics to most of the songs I think I like…I have to look them up! I can’t believe I just admitted that!

  8. So I turned down my Rick Astley to listen to this song…


    Love it. Although I’ve been dubbed the queen of 80’s pop music by some of my friends (not true, because I love ALL music) this song is carefree. The definition of yes. Changes… Yes to that, too. I embrace change. Now that I’m done commenting I’m going to linger awhile to listen to the rest of the song.

    Got a new follower!

  9. Yes!!! Tuesday is the day for tunes. 🙂

  10. Ah, Yes!

    “And by embracing change, I’m saying “Yes!”” — I stand with you in embracing change. We need it, even though we don’t always want it. It’s good for us even though we kick and scream when it comes. We hold on to the flimsy illusion of permanence when we say No, when the reality is everything changes. To this, I say a resounding Yes.

  11. I really like the way you interpreted this topic for Momaloms Five for Ten. I’ve toyed with the idea of doing this too, but don’t know if I’d be able to do it justice with my warp speed schedule now. I really do want to participate in something like this soon. I think it would really do me good. It would be embracing “change” for me! So I should say “YES!” Yes? By the way, I have some bloggy love for you over at my place if you are interested. 🙂

  12. Ha! Love that seen from When Harry Met Sally. Iconic is at is, I hadn’t seen it (or the film in its entirety) until two years ago.

  13. And by “seen,” I mean scene … one of those weeks.

  14. I just finished Aidan’s book last night and am posting on it Friday. Loved it; can’t wait to read your interview!

  15. Great taste in music there, Jane ^_^. I love what today is called “classic rock” too.

    That one stanza really is beautiful. And it’s true, change is something hard to accept, to agree to.

  16. Owner of A Lonely Heart – what a blast from the past. My girlfriends and I would scream that song, loud and proud, dancing around like crazy people.

    I love the last two lines from your post. Glad to meet you through Momalom and I will be visiting often.

  17. Owner of a Lonely Heart brings back some really good and crazy memories of that antique year of 1992 when we listened to Yes on repeat during multiple beach trips. Such a great celebration of the topic!

  18. Jen

    I love Tunes for Tuesdays. I love lyrics and how I have dwelt upon different song lyrics through different periods of my life. And I’m going to sneak over now and read your interview!!!

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