My Heart Going Boom Boom Boom

I absolutely adore the song “Solsbury Hill” by Peter Gabriel. As melancholy as the lyrics can be, it is always a happy, hopeful song.

“My heart going boom boom boom” – A song full of promise. Change. A shift in perspective. That’s what happening to me now. Yesterday the shift was a bit scary, a bit depressing. Today, I am filled with hope.

“Open doors would soon be shut
So I went from day to day
Tho’ my life was in a rut
“Till I thought of what I’d say
Which connection I should cut” – There have been some revelations in my life recently that have caused me to stop, reassess, adjust. Some days it felt as if a door was slamming on my foot. Other days I was struck dumb. Then there was the re-evaluating relationships. The struggle. But the tempo of the music matches my mood. While difficult and uncomfortable, it’s been freeing and cleansing. I feel so much lighter today.

“When illusion spin her net
I’m never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
When I think that I am free” – I don’t think I realized how stifled I was. How I am not myself when I am preoccupied with pleasing and compromising. I have a cautious appreciation for change. And the change in myself that I am feeling now feels right.

“I will show another me
Today I don’t need a replacement
I’ll tell them what the smile on my face meant
My heart going boom boom boom
“Hey” I said “You can keep my things,
they’ve come to take me home” – Home. Within myself. Feeling comfortable in my own skin. Knowing what is important to me. That is the space I find myself today.

I was surprised to discover that Sarah McLachlan and Dave Matthews have versions of this song, both artists I love. But their versions were dull in comparison to the original. They didn’t make it their own, as Simon Cowell would say.

But I wouldn’t want them to make it their own.

It is perfect just the way it is.


Filed under Lessons Learned, Music

15 responses to “My Heart Going Boom Boom Boom

  1. Steven Harris

    My all-time favourite Peter Gabriel song and whenever it comes up on my iPod I usually have to press repeat to make sure I get my full fix.
    Change is often something we resist – I know I can – but that possibly means it’s important. A Richard Bach quote springs to mind: “What the caterpiller calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.”

  2. I agree that this is the best version!!! It is a Great song that is serious yet uplifting. I like the adjective “cleansing”.

  3. It is such a wondrous feeling, to feel the change in you and know that it’s right. Life is full of so much uncertainty, and changing and progressing in the realm of who we actually are is one we NEED confirmation in. So glad for you.

  4. unabridgedgirl

    What a pretty, thoughtful post, Jane. Thanks for sharing. I am glad that you’re doing better today as well.

  5. I love it too, although I’ve never thought about it as deeply — the very first time I heard it something about that ‘grab your things I’ve come to take you home’ hit me right in the heart.

  6. Great song and lyrics!! Love this, thanks for sharing.

  7. I am glad you are feeling better today, are looking at the changes going on in your life, the revelations and difficulties and are thinking positively. That you are filled with hope.

  8. May the shift you’re feeling be a very extended upward swing 🙂

  9. I love when I find strange covers by artists I listen to. Too bad these ones weren’t so great, but like you said, who cares, right?

  10. I’m glad your feeling lighter. I have been thinking a lot about how I shift to fit with others and feel spurred onward by this post, this song towards the changes I need. Thank you.

  11. Good song. I like most stuff from Peter Gabriel. And I especially liked your preface to the video. Nice post!

  12. coffeepearlsgrace

    What thoughtful writing! Great exploration of the parallels between music and life… I like that you specifically identified the following lyrics:
    “When illusion spin her net
    I’m never where I want to be
    And liberty she pirouette
    When I think that I am free”
    I doubt there is a person on this earth that cannot relate to those lines. Thanks for sharing!

  13. absurdoldbird

    I adore this song.

  14. This is one of my favourite songs too…it had been a while since I’d heard it, but they played it on CBC Radio a few weeks ago, and I posted a link to it on Facebook so that my friends could listen to it too…


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