Daily Archives: January 13, 2010

My Daughter And Locks Of Love

Before our team made it to State Championships my daughter and her friend made a bet. If they made it to finals my daughter would cut her hair “short.” My daughter has gorgeous, thick hair. That she loved wearing long.

They made it to finals. So, she made good on her promise.

This is before:

And this is after:

And because she cut off at least 10 inches she donated her hair to Locks of Love, an amazing organization that provides hairpieces for children suffering from any medical hair-loss. I love the sentence they have in their opening statement on the website: “The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.” 

I’m so proud of my daughter that she, during her self-esteem and confidence building years, gave this precious gift to another child. I won’t lie. She was anxious, nervous and then took a few days to grow into her new look. But now she loves it and her self-esteem is a little pumped knowing what she helped to give someone who is struggling with their appearance.

They don’t just accept hair. They accept financial contributions, too! You can write a check (like I did.) Or make an online contribution. Or you can become a volunteer. Or you can support other companies that donate part of your purchase back to Locks of Love. There are many ways to help. Please take a few minutes to check out this amazing organization.


Filed under Be-Causes