Daily Archives: January 27, 2010

Loose Lips Sink Ships For American Idol Hopeful

I read  yesterday that a contestant on American Idol, Michael Lynche (“Big Mike”) has been cut from the show. A confidentiality breech. All contestants sign an agreement that they and their families will keep quiet until after results are broadcasted. Evidently, Michael made it to the top 24 and his proud father told the local newspaper. The local newspaper printed this news.

This is sad on so many levels.

  1. Michael can’t trust and share wonderful news with his family for fear that someone will spill the beans.
  2. A father, in excitement and pride, messes up and slips in an interview – ruining (a step) in his son’s career.
  3. A newspaper, that is probably well aware of the consequences to the contestant, actually prints the news – thus ultimately ruining (a step) in this young man’s career.

The father should have kept quiet.

The newspaper knew better and REALLY should have kept quiet.

And Michael is the one that suffers.

So not fair!


Filed under Music