Wish I Was Here

But I’m not.

I’m home. Entertaining house guests. For a week.

They arrived last Thursday and I’m struggling to keep up with: housework, email, laundry, grocery shopping, my sanity, my sister (but then, she’s a marathon runner and I’m not) and most importantly, this blog.

So I’m taking a short hiatus from writing. (I see you secretly jumping up and down. It’s ok. I’m right there with you.) I’m hoping to be able to still peek in on you all but crafting posts just isn’t in the cards for the next few days.

If you’re new here, welcome. There are plenty of posts below to satisfy your curiosity.

If you’re semi-regular? Now you can catch up on all the stellar posts you missed.

If you’re a regular? Take a rest. Put your feet up. Play a quick game of Bejewelled. You’ve earned a break from my inane babble.

Thanks for understanding. See you in a few!


Filed under off topic

20 responses to “Wish I Was Here

  1. Houseguests, I know all about it! Forget about us and enjoy!
    We’ll wait.

  2. Enjoy your houseguests. We’ll be waiting for you when you get back! 🙂

  3. unabridgedgirl

    * HUGS * Have a great rest of the week and a good break! 🙂

  4. Good for you, Jane, for taking a few days away from this place – even if it’s not on a nice, sandy beach! You know we’ll be right here ready for more when you get back online.

  5. Umm…seriously? I was playing a game of Bejeweled right before I stopped in here.

    July is insane houseguest wise around here so I’ll be hiatus-ing a little myself. Enjoy?

  6. Enjoy your time with your sister, don’t worry about all of us we will be here and waiting when you return.

  7. Ha ha to Bejeweled…I have to avoid that or I get sucked in! Enjoy your visit and I’m off to check out posts I may have missed!

  8. We’ll be here when you return!

  9. Enjoy your hiatus….even if not on a beach like in a beer commercial. I secretly (ok..not so secretly) want that life.

  10. We’ll miss your posts – if your “babble is inane”, then inane babble is what I want to read. In the meantime, enjoy your week, your guests, and the blog topics this week could provide!

  11. Good for you, Jane. I’ll take this opportunity to catch up on your other recent posts. (Work = crazy, therefore Gale = behind on blog reading…)

    PS – Marathon runners make me crazy. No other breed can so quickly incite my own feelings of inadequacy.

  12. Have a fun bloggy vacay! Looking forward to more so-very-not-inane posts when you return. =>

  13. Now THAT is a picture of the state of bliss I was talking about last week. Maybe in September. D is considering a Hawaii trip (super discount airfares). I won’t say no …

    Hope house guest week goes off without overexertion. We have last-minute company for the holiday weekend — I’ll be thinking of you as I’m running around not blogging too!

  14. OC

    We’re new here. Lets see what we’ve in here for us. 🙂

  15. I echo my fellow commentators. Enjoy your blogging hiatus. We will be here when you get back.

  16. Inane babble? Surely you jest. But you do deserve a few days off. I’ll be here when you return!

  17. Fabulous picture! (Wish I were there as well.) And what a great idea to catch up on your posts.

    Enjoy your week – and your guests.

  18. Hang in there with the juggling for the house guests and happy 4th.

  19. I thought summer was supposed to be a leisurely time of year! It seems everyone in the blogosphere is struggling to keep up these days. Well, I am way behind on my blog reading so your little hiatus will give me a chance to catch up. Whew!

  20. I get stressed out when I have a house guest for a DAY. So happy hiatus. Enjoy!

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