Won’t You Be My Neighbor – Part II

Remember about a month back when I posted about the wonderful blog neighborhood I’ve created for myself ? Well, I meant to get to this sooner but the hustle and bustle of the holidays got the better of me. I was strolling in my neighborhood the other night, enjoying the lights and decorations you’ve all put up and I wanted to share with you a few more of my wonderful neighbors.

I’ve noticed, while commenting on other blogs, that we DO seem to run in the same circles, in the same neighborhood, if you will. And I just want to say, especially at this time of year, how grateful I am to have you all as neighbors and friends. Thanks for sharing your ideas, opinions and thoughtful posts. Thanks for your interesting, funny and kind comments. Thanks for visiting me, for welcoming me to the neighborhood – I still feel a bit of a newbie. I enjoy our time together and look forward to seeing you whenever we all sign on!

Maureen at Island Roar is the big sister I never had. She’s warm. She’s funny. She has kids just a bit older than mine so I can learn from all of her mis-steps and successes. Her youngest daughter and my oldest would be more than cousins – they’d be great friends and mischief makers. And the fact that they live just around the block from each other would make for some sleepless nights on my part. But Maureen would calm me down, just after gently chewing them out, of course – as only a favorite aunt can do. Holidays would always be brighter with Maureen around!

Faemom lives just down the street. Our boys are around the same age and we have great fun during the playdates. And then she blogs about the same playdate and I crack up because she’s noticed something and re-told it in a way that makes it seem fresh all over again. She’s insightful and wise. She finds humor in the simple, beautiful moments of our lives. Her life is about to get that much richer because she’s expecting and I’m just so excited and happy for her. We’re going to have to have a bloggy baby shower for her!

My dear friend at Burp and Slurp is a young student at the local university. She is a beautiful spirit. I love the stories she tells before sharing her food adventures. She is wise beyond her years. With a love of photography and good food, she shares wonderful recipes using ingredients that help me to stretch my culinary talents. My taste buds love to hear when she’s in town!

Country-Fried Mama is who I visit when I need a dose of reality. And although I’ve been in the south more than half my life now she’s who I turn to when I’m perplexed my some of the eccentricities of this beautiful place I call home. She makes me laugh. She makes me pause. But her love of her family is what I like most about her.

There you have it. Four more neighbors in my favorite neighborhood. I hope you enjoy visiting them as much as I do!


Filed under off topic

17 responses to “Won’t You Be My Neighbor – Part II

  1. This is such a great idea! I’m excited to explore some new places and faces the next few days! Thanks for sharing!

  2. suzicate

    Love your post. Maureen is fab…will have to check out the others!

  3. evenshine

    I’ve followed the adventures of Fae for some time now. Her boys always keep us entertained! I’ll have to check out CFM, since she seems to drive the same carpool as I do (blogally speaking, that is)!

  4. Hope I get to move into your neighborhood someday soon! (sigh)

  5. I just adore Burp and Slurp. This is such a wonderful idea. I will have to pay everyone a visit 🙂

  6. unabridgedgirl

    Cute idea!

  7. And what a great neighborhood it is! Lemme know when a house is up for sale there!

  8. Aw, I’m so happy to live in your neighborhood! And Faemom is down the street? How cool is that! I need to go check out our other neighbors, maybe bring some cookies….
    Jane you are the best. What a fun (and super nice) idea!!

  9. I think this is a great idea. 🙂 You have some wonderful neighbours! See I spelt it the Brit way especially for you!

  10. I can’t wait to meet the new neighbors! Any day I expect you to have us all singing “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing. . . .” I promise to stay on key!

  11. Very cute idea and very true!! I swear, I’ve got to stop finding new blogs…I can’t keep up!!

  12. Congratulations on/to your new neighbors! Your neighborhood is looking better and better. 🙂

  13. Believe it or not, I just found you on the site of one of your “neighbors”–If Evolution Really Works. I am a blogger too, and I enjoy finding new sites to read while I am on my favorites. I love the community that it has created for me too. Great post! I will be following you now and looking forward to reading more. Come visit me sometime too if you want: organicmotherhoodwithcoolwhip.com

  14. You’re so sweet! You made me tear up, but that might be explained by the added dose of hormones. Though this is just what I needed to day as you can tell I’m horribly behind on everything right now. UGH!

  15. Pingback: Trading Spaces With One Of My Neighbors « Theycallmejane's Blog

  16. Pingback: Won’t You Be My Neighbor – Part III « Theycallmejane's Blog

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