One Hand On My Keyboard And The Other Is Giving A High Five


Maureen at Island Roar

Jane from Theycallmejane's Blog

I was over at Maureen’s at IslandRoar on Wednesday and was struck by the photo introducing her post. Peeking out from behind a wall. It reminded me of a pic that my daughter took of me during our mother/daughter day in The Big City. Maureen’s post was part of a meme called “The Spin Cycle” by Sprite’s Keeper that many of you are familiar with and participate in. I’m a little late with this, but it got me thinking about “me” and who I am. How different we are and how we’re very much the same. 

I have always been a bit unconventional. When I was a teen, I was this weird, hybrid, hippie, preppy chick. One day I’d wear a tye-dye t-shirt and jeans fraying at the ends with flip-flops or bare feet. The next day I was in a crewneck sweater, button down shirt with add-a-bead necklace and Pappagallo purse. No one thought it odd. That was just Jane.
I was a letterman athlete in AP classes who sang in musicals. I was a shy overachiever who felt very comfortable with public speaking. Quite honestly, I’ve never quite understood the paralyzing fear people have getting up in front of a group to speak. But put me in a social situation when I have to make small talk with people I don’t know? Major freak out. Complete with cold sweats and eyes darting around the room, searching for the escape route to a quick get-away.
  • I told all my friends, “Don’t get married until you’re 30!” – I got married at age 21.  
  • I told all my friends, “Don’t have kids until you’re 30!” – We started trying when I was 25 and by the time I was 29 we had a sweet, adorable angel from Korea.
  • I will never get divorced. I AM Catholic, afterall. – Divorced at age 32.
  • Nurse until my baby is 2 years old? You’ve GOT to be kidding me! – Nursed my sweet boy until….well, read last Thursday’s post.
  • I never want to marry someone in law enforcement or healthcare. The fear of them dying (as with law enforcement) or the crazy long hours (as with both professions) is not for me. – I married someone in healthcare. Not QUITE the crazy hours but definitely long. We rarely eat dinner as a family. It’s usually just me and the kids.
  • I’m going to be a career woman (said in my teens and twenties). Staying home with the kids is archaic and old-fashioned. – I am currently a SAHM and I LOVE IT! Love it, love it, love it! It’s hands down the best job I’ve ever, ever had.

My life hasn’t been conventional. I have spent much of my life both celebrating and feeling tortured by my differences. But when I saw that picture on Maureen’s blog I was touched by how “the same” some of us are. And how that “sameness”  is comforting and nice and OK. 

The “Jane” in the title of my blog is supposed to represent every Jane (or John) out there. As in, Jane Doe. I wanted to be a voice for many of you. Someone who can put thoughts and feelings out there and behind the little computer screens or Blackberrys there would be a chorus of heads nodding up and down. I’ve since found that isn’t always the case. Sometimes it’s only a quartet or small ensemble. And sometimes it’s a massive choral event and we’re spilling off the stage and into the auditorium. 

The Same 

  • Like Sara and Jen at Momalom and Peg at Square Peg in a Round Hole and Suzicate at The Water Witch’s Daughter I have a wonderfully close relationship with my sister. Every one should be so lucky!
  • Conversations with her child, with incompetent wait staff or vet assistants – Nap, at Naptime Writing, is my soul sister!
  • We both use our blogs as therapy and we both crack up at the same things – Gotta love her! Absense of Alternatives.
  • And Big Little Wolf , Kristen and Aidan share my interest in looking outside the box, looking at the bigger picture and what it means for my/our future, and appreciating the simpler things in life.
  • The antics of Faemom’s sweet little boys reminds me of my own!
  • Erica at Pines Lake Redhead, another mother of boys, who has been there done that. The stories she shares of when they were little – I’m experiencing now. The stories she shares of her boys that are older than mine? I’m bookmarking for future reference!
  • Ck at Bad Mommy Moments makes me feel like I’m not alone with her brave posts on our blind journey in motherhood.
  • Bibliomama for our love of books and Peripheral Perceptions for our role as casual observers.
  • And then there is the inspiration for this post, Maureen at IslandRoar. She has a teen daughter at home, like me. We share a love of the arts, the same name. She appreciates her children for who they are and has no trouble honoring their need to express themselves (Ok, this is where I want to be more like her but I’m on the right path.)  She’s like the big sister I always wanted.
  • If I mentioned everyone who visits here and who I visit – I’d be writing/linking into the weekend. My favorites folder overfloweth. Thanks to all of you who call me your Blog Friend. I love what we have in common.

One hand on the keyboard, the other stirring a pot, reading a story, or applying lipstick and trying to get the sexy back. We’re all different. We’re all the same. And I love it here!


Filed under Observations

26 responses to “One Hand On My Keyboard And The Other Is Giving A High Five

  1. I love this post Jane!
    It is SO true the common threads that link us together, but how each thread is slightly different and thus weaves a beautiful tapestry.

    PLUS I’ve now got some new reading leads to get to! 🙂

  2. suzicate

    Love this, Jane. You are perfect just as you are. Finding that others are similar to me was a total shock because I’ve always thought of myslef as a little different. Blogging gives of validation!

  3. angelcel

    I’ll second what Suzicate said. I’ve always thought of myself as a bit of a maverick character. Blogland has revealed that there a whole lot more of us out there.

  4. I’ve been so overwhelmed and grateful for the kindred spirits found via blogging 🙂 It honestly makes me feel a little saner… as I haven’t found my “niche” through mommy groups or college friends…

  5. I love this post! Some days I wonder “where do I fit in?” My life hasn’t been typical when compared to my contemporaries. I truly value the connections I’ve made with my blogging buddies! Thanks Jane!

  6. Thank you for the shout out. I’m amazed at how much I seem to have in common with other bloggy friends. Why can’t you all be here in town so I can have face-to-face relationships? The one thing I’d like to strive to do is move beyond being a casual observer and be able to bare my soul more. In person, I’m more of an open book to my friends. Here, it seems I try and hold my cards close many times. Guess it’s too many years in advertising and trying to control the message. I’m really trying to be more transparent, and I’ll get there some day!

  7. I love “getting to know you” better! 🙂

  8. I love this post! I was only going to read one blog post this morning, but you got me with the alanis themed title. Which now makes me think I have a soundtrack for cleaning out the dining room today. If I’d known what a fantastic community blogging was going to open up to me I’d have started it years earlier (oh, one of my contradictions: I’m never going to blog, blogging’s dumb, who wants to know anything about me anyway… ahem.)

  9. I guess a lot of us are a bundle of contradictions at times and I think that’s totally okay! 🙂

  10. unabridgedgirl

    Loved this. Life is never what we expect.

  11. What a nice post! (And a good title–it took me a minute, but I figured it out.)

  12. Love your picture Jane! Now we have to meet one day and take one of Both of us peering out from behind the same wall!
    Great post and very true.
    And thanks for the lovely shout-out. You’re the best!

  13. Jane, this is the sweetest, coolest post ev-er! I’m so glad you write.
    And when you get the sexy back, please give me tips.

  14. Raising a glass to Janes everywhere 😉

    Glad to have found you and your blog.

  15. So we have nothing in common? 😀

    • Absolutely! Please forgive me! I forgot to mention our passion for great art and great music (although you still won’t be able to convince me about Ke$ha)

  16. Awesome post! I think you linked to the truth in all of us. We all have so many different facets that make us “us” and yet we are all the same in many ways.

  17. I loved this post! Loved it. Everything you wrote is why I continue to swamp myself in this world. I cherish the friends I’ve made here… ones who I have SO much in common with and those that I am so different from and learn from each and every day. This place is the only place where I feel comfortable admitting my contradictions, celebrating all of our differences and being at peace with the fact that I am a “Jane”.

    Thanks for this. And I’m so happy to have found you here!

  18. I saw the title and was lost in nostalgia! That Alanis Morisette. I sure love listening to her music!

    Teenagers have everything planned out, don’t they? I know my life had a certain direction that it WAS going. Now? I am grateful that I threw that plan into the garbage. : )

  19. This post is some kind of serious awesome, Miss Jane Doe-I’m-So-Not-Ordinary-but-you-can-relate-to-me-anyway. We are so different. We are so the same.

    I’ve spent a lot of time concentrating on those differences lately. And feeling unsettled about it. But recently I asked myself why and found no good reason for it whatsoever. Because the similarities are simple and powerful. Women, mothers, sisters, writers. Thank you for continuing to remind me.

  20. ck

    I saw your post in my blog reader earlier this morning and have been humming AM all day. Thank you for including me, btw. It’s so nice to be in your company.

  21. I love this post, Jane. I love that you are a bundle of contradictions and that you don’t mind admitting it! Thanks for all the links too. I know some of those blogs but not all.

  22. {{{hugs}}}}

    Oh my goodness. You are so adorable!!!! Are those dimples? They are so cute!!! Somehow because of all the strength and strong will and independent thinking you have shown in your posts, I have been imaging you (and I didn’t know I had that assumption till now I saw this picture) to be, I don’t know, more foreboding looking? LOL. 😉

  23. Finally. It took me the whole entire day to figure out who your picture reminds me of. I was so desperate since it’s driving me batty that I googling “actress with dimples”. Finally I remembered: Traylor Howard. 🙂

  24. i am quite certain i cannot tell you how i found you. i do know i was on the bloggess’ site and then boom i linked and linked and linked again and just found some of the most awesome blogs. yours is one. i love this post. i have been sitting here for the last hour reading your blog. great great blog. i will be following. if i can find the follow button. i havent looked for that just yet.

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