Daily Archives: August 31, 2009

My Kids Crack Me Up! – Vol. I No.2

In a panic, #2son came running into the kitchen while I was making dinner last night and said, “Mommy, I need your help! The light won’t go on in the living room.”
Of course, I dropped everything to help. We have a lamp in the living room that you can turn on with a light switch. But that wasn’t working. Evidently, someone had turned it off at the actual lamp. So, I turned the switch on, walked over to the lamp and turned the lamp switch. Lo and behold, let there be light.
My sweet boy, completely amazed, walked away, shaking his head.  “Boy. I shoulda been a grown up!”
Your smile for the day. Brought to you by #2son.


Filed under children, family, funny, Motherhood