Daily Archives: February 15, 2010

Just Your Two Cents, Please!

Saturday marked my 6 Month Anniversary in Blog World! Happy Blogaversary to me! I took a peek at my very first real blog post (as opposed to my first fake post found here) and I realized how much I’ve grown in just a short 1/2 year.

My writing has improved. I’m more aware of how a post looks best, disregarding many rules from my middle school English teachers. Looking back on that first post I realize there were no archives in the right hand column. Nor were there snazzy little “feel good about yourself” links to click. Or a blogroll, for that matter. I don’t even think I knew what a blogroll was at that time.

So much has changed and I have you all to thank. For your encouragement, your support, your advice. Just the opportunity to read YOUR blogs has helped me to grow as a writer, blogger and person. I am so grateful. Thank you.

Robin, at Passions and Soapboxes, was a very early reader and she took the time to send me detailed instruction on how to post my very first award (given by her, :). Thanks, Robin!) I remember being so stunned that someone would take the time to help ‘lil ol’ me out. And then it just snowballed from there – encouraging letters, comments, even phone conversations.

I have surrounded myself with some very supportive bloggers out there. They are relationships I hope continue to grow and flourish.

I know many of you stop by and choose NOT to comment – for whatever reason. I really don’t mind. But today I’m asking everyone who stops by to share a little piece of advice – for all of us – about something you’ve learned about blogging. It could be something you figured out for yourself or the best/worst advice you received from someone else. Or a quick pointer. How about a been-there-done-that-and-never-gonna-do-it-again? Your two cents. Any helpful information will do.

It’s share your best/worst tips at Jane’s today. And we all get to benefit from your wisdom and learn from each other.

Thanks to all of you out there for an amazing ride these past 6 months. Here’s to many, many more!


Filed under Lessons Learned