Daily Archives: February 24, 2010

A Little Bit Of My Own WTH Wednesday

Ok. That should really be WTF – but children follow my blog (Hi #1daughter!) and I just couldn’t bring myself to put the “F” word in my title. Even that last sentence felt risky. (Looking toward the sky, waiting for the lightning to strike) And my WTH stands for What The Heck. I can’t even bring myself to say the other “H” word. Just call me Polly Purebred. My dear friend Submom started WTF Wednesdays on her blog and I’ve been annoyed by a few things lately (Could you tell? Am I PMS-ing? Is it menopause? I don’t know what it is but my last few posts have been leaning towards the Debbie Downer side of the scale. Sorry y’all!) and I decided to take full advantage of her wonderful idea and just share a bit of WTH of my own.

Have you heard? Oprah is against texting and driving. She’s even taking it a step further and decrying cell phone use and driving. She devoted an entire show to it. She’s joined the movement. Yay! Good for her! Now please know, that I am also against texting and driving. It IS a horrible, dangerous thing. But Oprah is telling us to stop doing it? Oprah has a chauffeur. Oprah can text and ride. Oprah doesn’t drive herself anywhere.  WTH?

Which reminds me of Jennifer Anniston’s 3-minute shower we heard about a few years ago. Just one little thing she’s doing to help the environment. She even brushes her teeth in there, too. This not only saves time but money! Yay for Jennifer! She’s taking a 3-minute shower to save water. Must really help reduce the water bill so she can afford to heat and cool the 14,000 square foot mansion she lives in. WTH?

Evgeni Plushenko (silver medalist in men’s figure skating) is still whining about his loss that took place a week ago. Evan Lysacek won the gold. And he has been more than gracious toward his opponent. But Evgeni Plushenko just can’t let it go. He even created his own Platinum medal, shown here on his website. He’s a legend in his own mind. The website claims he is still “the best” because Plushenko “is one of the few who performed quadruple jumps in their routine and did it best.” Did it best according to whom? Apparently, the Olympic judges thought Evan was “the best.” WTH, Evgeni?

My two favorite orders of fries are both the worst and best fries in America. I love 5 Guys Burgers & Fries french fries. And to my credit, I have never finished off an entire order (they give you enough to feed a family of 4.) But the 5 Guys fries have a whopping 1,464 calories and 71 grams of fat. And McDonald’s french fries? They’re health food, comparatively. A small order is 230 calories and 11 grams of fat. And of the big three (Burger King, Wendy’s and McDonald’s) they’re still the healthiest portion. Stop the presses! McDonald’s french fries are health food! WTH?

So there you have it. My version of WTF. It doesn’t hold a candle to Submom’s but it was fun to play along! What’s your WTH moment of the day?

(Our regularly scheduled optimism will be back tomorrow. Stay tuned!)


Filed under WTH